It was way back in 1983 that the words, 'By the power of Grayskull! I have the power!' were first heard on television. They were quickly followed by the words, 'The Most Powerful Man in the Universe' and they confirmed that once again Prince Adam had magically transformed into He-Man.
Along with The Muppets, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Madonna's 'Like a Virgin,' He-Man action figures totally define mainstream culture of the Eighties. Just as all little girls back then were nothing unless they owned a My Little Pony toy, no boy's room was complete without a collection of He-Man action figures.
He-Man action figures are part of a media franchise launched by Mattel in 1981. The franchise is known as Masters of the Universe (MOTU) or simply He-Man. The MOTU story first appeared as mini-comic books in 1981 along with the collection of He-Man action figures that could be bought in-stores.
The original mini comics are also known as Mineternia and they tell the story of a wandering barbarian called He-Man. The world has been devastated by a Great War causing a rift between the dimensions. This rift has allowed the evil Skeletor to enter Eternia and it is up to He-Man to stop the evil invader from gaining power.
During 1983 to 1985 the franchise moved to television as a cartoon series. It is during this time that the franchise and He-Man action figures really grew in popularity. As well as expanding the number of He-Man action figures available, the story also became a little more complex and new characters entered the fray.
In the cartoon, Eternia is ruled by King Randor and Queen Marlena. Their son is Prince Adam, a lazy, good for nothing, coward. He has a pet tiger called Cringer. Adam has a twin sister, Princess Adora, but she was kidnapped at birth by the evil warlord Hordak.
How did Prince Adam get the power to transform into He-Man? Well this was given to him by the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull who gave him this power to transform. His Power Sword is raised and he can be heard saying "By the power of Grayskull". He then transforms and is heard saying, "I have the power!"
Once Prince Adam transforms into He-Man, he has superhuman powers and is sole protector of Eternia. He also has the ability to transform his pet tiger, which becomes Battle Cat and also has super-strength powers.
To protect his family, Adam is careful not to let them know about his transformation powers. Only the Sorceress, Orko, Man-At-Arms and Cringer know of his power. Man-At-Arms is also known as Duncan and is He-Man's best friend. Teela is the strong-willed daughter of Duncan and she has little time for Prince Adam as she sees him as spoiled.
The cartoon was considered groundbreaking for a number of reasons. During the 1970s, the story lines of children's television programming was very limited and subject to censorship. He-Man was the first cartoon that featured a muscular superhero who hit people, although he still couldn't use his sword very often.
Also it was the first cartoon to be produced in connection with a marketing line of toys. During this time, advertising to children was also heavily censored. Up until this point, children's cartoons generally consisted of Saturday morning re-runs of old classics. He-Man changed all that.
In 1985, Mattel and the television production company, Filmation, decided to further expand the franchise. They created She-Ra: Princess of Power. The toy line was mostly made of just female characters. These characters all had luscious hair and distinct clothing. What they were attempting to do was to get Masters of the Universe, to work with Mattel's best success, Barbie.
The next collection of He-Man action figures was known as The Powers of Grayskull. The story here is based on Ancient Eternia and shows He-Man arriving there. However, the line was axed early on.
In 1987 the franchise appeared as the film, Masters of the Universe, starring Dolph Lundgren in the lead role. However many fans were disappointed by the film as it did not stay faithful to the original story or characters. Mattel had hoped the release of the film would boost the toy line's falling sales, but it had no effect on sales at all.
Another cartoon series in 1989 was also met with a muted response from audiences. However, in 2002, Mike Young Productions took over the cartoon franchise, staying very close to the original story and introducing some great visual effects.
Despite their bumpy career, He-Man and He-Man action figures have played an integral role in children's lives for the last three decades and no one doubts that along with having the power, Mr. He-Man will be around for many more generations to come.
Along with The Muppets, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Madonna's 'Like a Virgin,' He-Man action figures totally define mainstream culture of the Eighties. Just as all little girls back then were nothing unless they owned a My Little Pony toy, no boy's room was complete without a collection of He-Man action figures.
He-Man action figures are part of a media franchise launched by Mattel in 1981. The franchise is known as Masters of the Universe (MOTU) or simply He-Man. The MOTU story first appeared as mini-comic books in 1981 along with the collection of He-Man action figures that could be bought in-stores.
The original mini comics are also known as Mineternia and they tell the story of a wandering barbarian called He-Man. The world has been devastated by a Great War causing a rift between the dimensions. This rift has allowed the evil Skeletor to enter Eternia and it is up to He-Man to stop the evil invader from gaining power.
During 1983 to 1985 the franchise moved to television as a cartoon series. It is during this time that the franchise and He-Man action figures really grew in popularity. As well as expanding the number of He-Man action figures available, the story also became a little more complex and new characters entered the fray.
In the cartoon, Eternia is ruled by King Randor and Queen Marlena. Their son is Prince Adam, a lazy, good for nothing, coward. He has a pet tiger called Cringer. Adam has a twin sister, Princess Adora, but she was kidnapped at birth by the evil warlord Hordak.
How did Prince Adam get the power to transform into He-Man? Well this was given to him by the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull who gave him this power to transform. His Power Sword is raised and he can be heard saying "By the power of Grayskull". He then transforms and is heard saying, "I have the power!"
Once Prince Adam transforms into He-Man, he has superhuman powers and is sole protector of Eternia. He also has the ability to transform his pet tiger, which becomes Battle Cat and also has super-strength powers.
To protect his family, Adam is careful not to let them know about his transformation powers. Only the Sorceress, Orko, Man-At-Arms and Cringer know of his power. Man-At-Arms is also known as Duncan and is He-Man's best friend. Teela is the strong-willed daughter of Duncan and she has little time for Prince Adam as she sees him as spoiled.
The cartoon was considered groundbreaking for a number of reasons. During the 1970s, the story lines of children's television programming was very limited and subject to censorship. He-Man was the first cartoon that featured a muscular superhero who hit people, although he still couldn't use his sword very often.
Also it was the first cartoon to be produced in connection with a marketing line of toys. During this time, advertising to children was also heavily censored. Up until this point, children's cartoons generally consisted of Saturday morning re-runs of old classics. He-Man changed all that.
In 1985, Mattel and the television production company, Filmation, decided to further expand the franchise. They created She-Ra: Princess of Power. The toy line was mostly made of just female characters. These characters all had luscious hair and distinct clothing. What they were attempting to do was to get Masters of the Universe, to work with Mattel's best success, Barbie.
The next collection of He-Man action figures was known as The Powers of Grayskull. The story here is based on Ancient Eternia and shows He-Man arriving there. However, the line was axed early on.
In 1987 the franchise appeared as the film, Masters of the Universe, starring Dolph Lundgren in the lead role. However many fans were disappointed by the film as it did not stay faithful to the original story or characters. Mattel had hoped the release of the film would boost the toy line's falling sales, but it had no effect on sales at all.
Another cartoon series in 1989 was also met with a muted response from audiences. However, in 2002, Mike Young Productions took over the cartoon franchise, staying very close to the original story and introducing some great visual effects.
Despite their bumpy career, He-Man and He-Man action figures have played an integral role in children's lives for the last three decades and no one doubts that along with having the power, Mr. He-Man will be around for many more generations to come.
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